■Controversies Related to Memorials in the Contemporary Public Art

Comparative Analysis of Maya Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Rachel Whiteread's Holocaust Memorial

工藤 安代 Yasuyo Kudo



In this short paper, changing roles of memorials in contemporary public art is discussed. Firstly, Auguste Rodin's memorial for the City of Calais is focused as the start of modern thinking in the genre of public memorial art. His work in the City of Calais clearly denied the medieval concept of memorial as the political and authoritative representation, glorifying and simplifying whatever happening history experienced in the past. Secondly and thirdly, two most important memorials by contemporary young artists are examined in order to clarify, underlying controversies on their memorials. Maya Lin's famous Vietnam Veterans Memorial is analyzed from aspects of location, process of selection, and consecutive arguments for and against her design. Rachel Whiteread's Holocaust memorial in Vienna, Wine is examined to show how the memorial is conceived by the government, and its process of the competition. The reasons why Whiteread won the competition are explained. Then, controversies surrounding her work are discussed. Through the comparison of arguments about these two works of art, this paper intends to analyze and verify the complexities of political as well as social environment that considerably effect memorials in contemporary life. Also, this paper tries to explore why artists, knowing the complexity and difficulty surrounding memorial in public art, tackle the dangerous task at the risk of getting into a labyrinth of narrow streets.


Auguste Rodin:
The Burghers of Calais,

マヤ・リン Maya Lin,
Vietonam Veterans Memorial,
1982,Washington D. C.

レイチェル・ホワイトリード Rachel Whiteread, ホロコースト・メモリアル Holocaust Memorial,